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Infant Dedication 

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What is Infant dedication?
An infant dedication is the Baptist-equivalent of a Christening/ infant baptism. It’s when parent(s)/carer(s) give thanks to God for the gift of their child, seek God's blessing on their child as they grow up, and ask for God's guidance and grace in being even better parents/carers.
Baptists only baptise those who have made a personal and informed decision to be baptised as followers of Christ. Babies/toddlers are not able to make that choice for themselves - so we wait. Of course, we hope and pray, when they are older, they will want to be baptised. But, in the meantime, we respect that must be their decision, no-one else's.
The focus on infant dedication is on the parent(s)/ carer(s) as they dedicate themselves and their child to God.
Infant dedications are always full of joy. It’s a great excuse for a celebration meal/ party afterwards with friends and family!

What happens at an Infant dedication?
The service takes place on a Sunday at 10.30am. Invite your family and friends. The whole church family will be there to support you too.
Our Minister, Tim welcomes you by name and introduces you and your child to the congregation. Tim explains that the service is about being thankful for the amazing gift of a child, about dedicating ourselves to the child’s care and wellbeing and asking God to bless the child (and the parents too!)
We read a few selected passages from the bible.  These show how important children are to God and how Jesus showed this during his ministry on earth.
We say a thank you prayer to God, for your child.
As parents/carers Tim asks you to dedicate yourselves to bring up your child in a loving way and to teach them the Christian faith.
The congregation stands. This is a way of the church family showing our support for you and that we are willing to pray for and nurture you and your child.
The Minister takes your child in his arms and blesses your child by name, using a blessing from the bible.

“May the Lod bless you and take care of you; may the Lord be kind and gracious to you, may the Lord look on you with favour and give you peace. Amen.”

Can we have Godparents?
Yes! You may want to ask one, two or more people to act as sponsors/ 'God Parents'.

Their role is to encourage and support you and your child, helping him/her to grow in maturity and faith in Christ. The Godparents can make promises too. The rest of the service will be relevant to you, your family and your friends.

Do you have to be a members or regular church attenders to have your child dedicated at Belmont Road Baptist Church?
No! That said, we believe your special day will go even better if you have been to our regular services.

Come and see for yourself.

Can we hire Belmont Road Baptist Church for a reception afterwards?
Yes. You can hire our hall and kitchen and a side room if you need it. (NB: we are alcohol free)

Is this is something you would like to consider further, email Tim at:

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